let’s count it all joy
Welcome to August!
This month’s mailer is centered on our sin and God’s forgiveness.
A few months ago, we had a scary moment as we were in a tornado warning. A funnel cloud passed over our house and then touched down about a mile away - and again a mile further. I was home with two of my kids. We huddled in our safe place under the basement stairs with our heads covered. our arms around each other, and the dog squeezed in beside us.
When a neighbor called in a panicked voice, saying she could see the tornado out the window, our fear rose to a new level. We had already said a few prayers, but at this point, our prayers went into overdrive. While my prayers were for protection and safety, I heard my daughter pray aloud for forgiveness.
As she feared for her life, her heart went to the crux of the cross. It was both beautiful and heart-wrenching. I saw her struggle through the biggest fear that lies between humanity and eternity. Our separation from God through sin is the story of humankind since the fall. And yet it is also the story we each walk through in our individual lives and moments.
Without the cross, our sin condemns us. Always. But also, our help comes from Him. Always. In coming to earth and giving His perfect life for our sin, it is all forgiven. We are washed clean in his blood.
Some words about the artwork in this month’s mailer:
There was a strong butterfly theme throughout this month’s art. I kept returning to the beautiful gift of new life we are given through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. In Him, we are redeemed. We get the promise of new life in heaven and also the blessing of living with that hope and promise today.
I recently made a painting for my church centered on Psalm 103:12 (as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us). The landscape sticker was designed with that same verse in mind. I love the idea of letting God’s world remind us of His promises.
Your mailer includes ten little bits of goodness that I hope will bring your faith and your joy in Jesus to mind whenever you see or use them. More than anything, I would love for you to USE the goods from this mailer - to weave them into your projects and your personal devotions, to add color to your spaces, or to gift them to others and in so doing pass on Jesus’ love.
on this special “subscribers only” page, you will find:
A video showing the ways I’ve used the products in this month’s mailer.
Some additional quotes on sin and forgiveness.
A butterfly printable download page.
A verse and scripture-section list.
Images showcasing the ways I used the products.
Journaling prompts.
A prayer.
Links to all supporting supplies that I used (sketchbooks, frames, art supplies, etc.). Please note that many, but not all of the supply links are affiliate links. And if I missed anything you are curious about, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask.
VERSEs on sin and forgiveness
Psalm 103:12
Proverbs 5:22
Proverbs 29:6
Isaiah 1:18
Isaiah 53:5
Matthew 7:13-14
John 8:8-11
Romans 6:14
Romans 8:1-2
1 John 1:9
1 John 2:1-2
Ephesians 1:7-9
Titus 2:14
Revelation 1:5-6
quotes on sin and forgiveness
“He breaks the power of canceled sin; He sets the prisoner free. His blood can make the foulest clean; His blood avails for me.” -Charles Wesley (Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing, verse 4)
“Are we trying to atone for our sins? We can’t. Only Jesus can, and He already did. Don’t try to repeat the atonement – just accept it! Embrace God’s forgiveness.” - Randy Alcorn
“The idea is not simply that we have been forgiven, and therefore we ought to forgive, but that God Himself, in Christ has forgiven us, and therefore our debt is incalculable. No matter how much wretched evil has been done against us, it is little compared with the offense that we have thrown in the face of God. Yet God in Christ has forgiven us. If we know anything of the release of this forgiveness, if we have glimpsed anything of the magnitude of the debt we owe to God, our forgiveness of others will not seem to be such a large leap.” -D.A. Carson
"To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness." - Robert Muller.
“In one bold stroke, forgiveness obliterates the past and permits us to enter the land of new beginnings.” - Billy Graham
“The Bible puts condemnation in proximity to the most famous verse on love [John 3:16]. In other words, the Bible never sees God’s love and anger being opposed to each other. Indeed, the Bible tells us that in God, not only are they not in tension but they are meaningless apart from each other and indeed they establish each other.” -Tim Keller
“Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive.” – CS Lewis.
“Forgiveness transcends finite human reason. The mere thought that one’s entire sin account can be utterly eradicated is staggering. Yet it is quite clear that the forgiveness of sins strikes at the very core of human need and experience. It speaks of guilt gone, remorse removed, depression disappearing and emptiness of life eradicated. What power there is in forgiveness! And it all comes abundantly from the gracious hand of God.” -Lewis Drummond
“The love of Jesus Christ covers your sins, and it also gives you the power to let other people off the hook. You’ve been forgiven, and you can forgive others.” -Rick Warren
butterfly printable
Download the butterfly printable (shown in the left photo at the very top of this page)
a prayer
Heavenly Father,
Before I ask for Your forgiveness, I would like to take the time to express my gratitude for Your mercy. Like a father showing compassion to his children, You never ran short of patience and love. Like the vast distance of Your Heavens to Earth, Your Mercy is immeasurable. Without a stain of doubt and a record of wrongs, You, the Father, the God, and the Refuge of all, insist on forgiveness. Therefore, I am humbly asking for Your forgiveness as I strive to become an obedient child to You and Your Heavenly Kingdom.
In Jesus’s name,
journaling prompts
I process my thoughts (and pray!) through writing. Perhaps you do too. If this is something you haven’t tried before, I would encourage you to give it a go. Sometimes, a little prompt is all it takes to get started.
What is sin? How did it start? Who is a sinner? What does it mean to be a slave to sin? What are the consequences of sin? A sin I continually struggle with is… How do you think God wants you to respond to this sin?
What does it mean to repent? Can we repent on our own? Explore your reaction following repentance. Write a prayer of repentance.
What is forgiveness? How do you ask for forgiveness? Who do you need to forgive? Must I forgive if the other person isn’t sorry? Why did Jesus come to Earth and die on the cross? What does God’s forgiveness mean to me? Write about a time you felt God’s forgiveness.
EMSHOI dotted journal (my commonplace book journal)
12x12 3-Ring Scrapbook (similar)
Art Journaling Supplies:
Here is a list of my favorite and most-often used art journaling supplies.
Other ephemera used in my journal - from my currently on-hiatus 100 Day Project (100 Days of Joyful Printables!)
Frames I have used and would recommend can be found on my Amazon shop framing page.
Frame shown with the butterfly print is very old from IKEA - here is something similar.
If there’s something I missed, don’t hesitate to ask!
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”