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good words

journal entries

faith journaling

diary entries

plans, goals, & calendars

This section includes five lessons.

  1. Good Words

  2. Diary Entries

  3. Journaling Entries

  4. Study Notes

  5. Goals, Plans, and Calendars

Many people only use the first section. They use their commonplace book as a holding place for good words.

I use all five topics in my commonplace books because I feel like doing so adds to the value of my book and gives a more rounded picture of who I am and what I’m pondering at a specific moment in time. When I include all aspects of my life, my book becomes a “snapshot” of daily life inside my head and heart.

I have my good words, my diary entries, my journaling entries, my prayers, and often bits of my studies living side by side. Together, they give a pretty comprehensive picture of what is happening in my head and heart for any given period of time.

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