journal entries
This is how I define a journal entry (and how it differs from a diary entry):
Journaling entries explore your emotional state and the depth of your character. Rather than sketching (or even detailing) an event, as diary entries do, journaling entries sketch or detail what is happening inside of you.
Again, you can decide if you would like to include journaling entries in your commonplace book or not. For me, it adds value to my book and I love how it shows a bigger picture of what is happening in my life.
I have my good words, my diary entries, my journaling entries, my prayers, and often bits of my studies living side by side. Together, they give a pretty comprehensive picture of what is happening in my head and heart for any given period of time.
journaling prompts
free download - 100 journaling prompts
sources of more journaling prompts
my monthly ig post
loveitallshop prompts
lizey lane classes
FebruaryandJune prompt weeks
ChatGPT or other AI