Welcome, friend!
My name is broke petermann. (Yes, I’m weird and like my name spelled with lowercase letters. It’s a long story.)
I’m an artist, journaler, Jesus-fangirl, mom, wife, and Friday-night pizza dough maker.
I’ve been painting since 2004 (which somehow was 20 years ago!) and journaling off and on since I was in elementary school. I’ve gone through seasons of intense journaling as well as seasons where I rarely picked up a pen.
My very first commonplace book is on the shelf beside me as I write this and is one of my most treasured items. I don’t remember precisely when I started it, but the journal has a 2006 copyright. (Again - almost 20 years ago!) I still add to this particular book on occasion, but I also have a current-year commonplace book that holds most of my journaling.
My commonplace books are my heart on paper. The process of creating them is second only to the joy of having those words recorded and kept.
I wrote this course because I want you to have your own collection of books that hold and keep the contents of your heart and mind.